Keith Johnson Photographs


Archive for January, 2010

Isn’t she lovely?

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Evelyn v2 16



Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Evelyn, Zarry, & Victor

Evelyn, Zarry, & Victor 1/18/10 30″x 1100″


Friday, January 8th, 2010


The fourth in a series of lost alphabets.

Callahan at the MFA Boston

Friday, January 1st, 2010

We went to see the Callahan show of about 50 pictures at the MFA yesterday.  It was a perfect way to close out (visually) 2009.  Becky suggested that Callahan had quite an influence on my work: GUILTY.  A couple of pictures stood out: a woman on the street in Chicago in a very light green coat and hat probably from the early 50s; a four panel grid of tree limbs looking up form Atlanta in 1993.  Marvelous pictures.  Yes, Harry was (remains) quite an influence.



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